6 Keys to a productive week. Here's the list of things that work for me. What's yours?


This is actually what works for me. For you, it might be a different list of things, but I thought that this could be useful for some of you.

High performance in Entrepreneurship is like in Sports.

Requires discipline planning, training, and adjustments. Treat yourself like a Champion and adopt those 6 habits weekly.

1. Set priorities.

Accept the fact that you can't do everything. Ask yourself this: What would I be happy to accomplish this week?

2. Eat the Frog first.

Not literally the Frog.

But do first the most difficult things your list has.

Attack with full energy at the beginning of the week and get it out from your list fast.

3. Apply the 80-20 Rule.

Focus on your energy on this 20% of your task list that can really make all the difference in your business. This applies to everyone. Believe me. 20% of the things we do bring 80% of the results.

4. Kill your Distractions

Energy flows where attention goes...

a.Turn off mobile notifications.

b.Focus each time on ONE and ONLY task.

c. Stop making unnecessary meetings.

d. Use music that helps you FOCUS.

5. Work in Intervals.

No one can go full-throttle all day. A good rule is to work 30 minutes and then give yourself a short break. In the long run, you'll accomplish more.

6. Identify your productivity fuel.

What is this one thing that makes your energy levels increase? Mine is about an hour a day.

Find something that helps your brain and body stay in shape! 

Ready to attack this week?

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